Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 16 Bigger hearts for his glory

This week we finished learning about George Washington. Once again Washington outsmarted Cornwallis. This time he pretended to be preparing to fight in New York but really he and his soldiers slipped out and marched to meet Cornwallis in Yorktown. They surprised Cornwallis and his men causing them to surrender. The kids played a game of war to illustrate how Washington had more chance of winning this battle with his 16,000 men vs. Cornwallis' 6,000. Cornwallis was defeated (in our game of war) after six losses and Washington had 16 tries. The kids really enjoyed this!
Our character trait this week was Integrity. I'm not sure who benefits more from learning these weekly traits and how we can apply them to our lives, me or the children. Our verse to go along with integrity was Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects a man.
Polly wog practiced her spelling words by writing them in a pan of rice. For some reason this really helps them stick. The only other thing the kids like more is using for the fun games.
This was a really light week for us as one by one the kids started coming down with the flu on Wednesday. We did as much as we could and then gave up when the older kids got it and worked on getting our bodies healthy again. Here are some random pics from the rest of the week.

Play dough, apple jacks, and spaghetti noodles are so much fun!

Sweet smiley boy.

Getting pretty good at getting out of his chair ;)

He was looking at Polly wog in this one. He LOVES his big sister, or his second mom as I like to refer to her as. ;)

I have been attempting to spend one quiet time a week with one of the older kids at a time for some one on one. This is what Polly wog chose to do for her turn this week.

I left him at the table too long with the paint. He was pretty proud of himself.

This was just too sweet not to capture!


  1. I LOVE the idea of letting each one of your kids have a quiet time with you. We are definitely keeping quiet and alone time as a permanent fixture for a long time.

    Also loving the spaghetti and Apple Jacks. Why didn't I think of that?

  2. Your family is precious :) I am so impressed that you are keeping up with your schedule with 4 kids. You probably have a lot to teach me about managing my time! My kids loved playing war. So funny how something so small is something so big to them.

  3. Yes, quiet time is a must around here too :)

    Thanks for your kind words Monarch Room. That is one of the great things about HOD. This simple projects that the kids really enjoy!
