Saturday, September 22, 2012

First week back

Some of you may know that we had quite an eventful summer around here at the joyful homeschool :) We welcomed our newest addition to the family. Meet America ;) Nicknamed America for the obvious... he was born on July 4th!

We have also made another change around here; we have decided to take a break from My Fathers World curriculum. While on this break we will be giving Heart of Dakota a try. Heart of Dakota offers the opportunity to combine our two oldest kiddos into Bigger Hearts for His Glory. They will be doing their own Language arts and Math of course :) But will be learning together in everything else. My Fathers World offers this as well, but with more planning on my part. The history theme this year will be American history, so come along and enjoy our journey with us through time to learn all about Christopher Columbus, Pocahontas, Abe Lincoln and much much more.

Starting out slow this year because of our new student who is excelling in learning to sleep and smile. We decided to do two days the first week back and three the next. So I am finally posting our first week review. Here is our first week with HOD. Let me just say that we are LOVING the switch so far.

 Doodlebugs fourth grade year... 9yrs old
Pollywogs second grade year.... 7yrs old

ALMOST TWO!!! Inchworm is growing so fast.

Working on our ocean painting... learning how to mix colors to get lighter or darker colors.

Pollywog's The Goops poem and artwork.

Science... the moon and how it controls the high and low tide.

 Horizons math. We've been using this math since Doodlebug was in Kindergarten... we LOVE it! I crossed a bunch of problems though since it is so much review at the beginning of the year.

Science experiment day... sink or float items and experiement pages. It was neat to see how different they both portrayed their findings. They were told to draw the same thing... but they both turned out unique.

Of course Inchworm had to get in on the action. This made Mama's job of cleaning the kitchen much more fun after school ;)

Bible memory workout! I think this might be the kids favorite subject. HOD has them do a little exercise and then recite their weekly Bible verse.


Geography! Basketball globes :) Need I say more? They had so much fun with this.

Our poem this week was Four By the Clock to go along with our Christopher Columbus theme. This is Doodlebugs copied poem and illustration. I forgot to picture Pollywogs.

Timeline illustrations.

Love to see Doodlebug helpign Pollywog with their assignments. Here they are drawing a map to show Columubus' voyage. They were so proud they said they HAD to show Daddy when he got home.

I have been saving this project on my homeschool pinterest board  for a while now and finally got to try it out. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! The kids and I all got in on the action.

Here is what Inchworm can be found doing during school.
America is getting very good at his smiles, but is also very good at being quick to avoid the camera. Here is the best I could do.
Hope you enjoyed our week. Don't have time to elaborate too much so I hope the pictures speak for themselves :) Have a great weekend!


  1. Looks like so much fun! Glad your year with HOD has started off well! We're farther along in Bigger, but it's fun to see how you did your activities from the first week!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I have visited your blog a few times to see how you've done things :) It's great to have others further along in the program to learn from.

  2. Such beautiful pictures! I like combining kiddos too. So much easier. For history we are doing the All American 1 by Winterpromise. Pretty good so far

  3. New baby is adorable! Looks like you had a very fun week!
