Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wrap up of Europe ITALY!!!

To finish off our travels in Europe we chose to go to Italy. This was two free weeks to study a country of choice in the curriculum Exploring Countries and Cultures in My Fathers World. We have been using this curriculum for three years now and have no plans of going elsewhere. We love it! Here are some pictures of our travels.

Here is Pollywog doing her Horizons math. She is building castles and such out of solid shaped items around the house.

Here Doodlebug is on Friday Fun Day practicing his multiplication using Timez Attack.

Here are some of the books we read. Doodlebug's reader was "Monday with a Mad Genious" and "Leonardo da Vinci research guide" He enjoyed learning about Leonardo so much that he ended up writing a report of all he learned. I asked him to write a paragraph about what he remembered and he came back in the living room with a full page report. We edited and proofread it together and then he made his final copy. In this picture is also a movie we watched on Leonardo by Nest family entertainment.

We made personal pan pizza's (the whole family got their own) and had gelato for Friday Fun Day. For lunch on this day we made our own pasta sauce and made pasta with different varieties of noodles. Then with the leftover noodles we made necklaces. Sorry there are no pictures. When you are lost in the beauty and culture of Italy it's hard to find a good photographer to take pictures. ;)

And this is what Inchworm was caught doing while we were touring Italy.

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