Every sailor needs a good pair of sunglasses... and Inchworm informs us that the sun will hurt your eyes if you are not wearing them because the sun is hot. I however like to see those big brown eyes so I prefer the glasses off.
Here Captain Doodlebug is sailing our ship around the world to dock at various harbors and check out the weather in different areas across the globe.
Pollywog working on spelling. She is whizzing through her words and is a few weeks ahead now.
Doodlebug is using dictation from HOD and is speeding through the units with only one mistake so far. We also have been using Spelling Power since last school year and he is doing very well with it too. Working on spelling words much above his grade level.
I love that he finds it fun for me to mark his work with my red pen lol .... well as long as its all "A"s I mark
Here Doodlebug is working on english. This boy is crazy! He actually has fun diagramming sentences. He's rather good at it too. Of course that could be because of the english we are using. Rod and Staff english series is excellent.
This is a picture Pollywog drew after reading the book pictured beside it for bookbasket time
Here is her artwork to illustrate our poem for this week. I love her creativity. One verse of the poem reads "I'd rather fight some mighty wave" So her sailor has two swords and is ready to fight two mighty waves :)
Vocab word for the week was gale. It came from the kids history reading. Of course Doodlebug had to add something about bionicles in there. Any chance he gets... :P
Holy, Holy, Holy
Getting in some exercise during Bible memory. Toe touches and push ups. I love Doodlebug's face in the push up one. It was fun to see Inchworm getting involved too.
With pride comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 The kids thought of the hand motions all on their own for this one and I LOVED watching them do it.
Here the kids are learning about the lunar eclipse. Pollywog was fascinated to know that the moon doesn't actually have it's own light, it just reflects light from the sun.
Pollywog is very good at math, but that doesn't mean she is always enthusiastic about doing it
In science this week we learned how the shape of a birds beak can help them get their food. The kids had fun using instruments to dig up goodies... especially the M&M's.
For goody bag this Friday Fun Day I had the kids work together for some team work time. They worked as mad scientists making and blowing up concoctions in the yard. ;)
Here is what Inchworm could be found doing while we were schooling this week :) He was so proud of his tower, but any good builder must be prepared to knock it down and start from scratch a time or two.... or three.
My wonderful husband walking baby America for me so I could get some school planning done. I thought it was funny that he couldn't put the book down even to do this lol You know he is reading Greg Isles again when this sort of thing happens.